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Conventional vs.

functional medicine

Conventional medicine is used by doctors and other healthcare practitioners such as nurses and pharmacists to treat symptoms, diseases, and illnesses using medications, surgeries, and radiation. It is important to note that medical practitioners only treat symptoms rather than the root cause. 

The issue with only treating symptoms? That's comparable to taking the batteries out of the smoke alarm instead of putting out the fire. You may not hear the smoke alarm going off anymore but, the fire remains. When only addressing symptoms, your body will continuously find new ways to tell you something is wrong - you may develop new symptoms such as headaches and rashes or, in extreme cases, autoimmune diseases and illnesses such as cancer may appear. Think of symptoms as your body's way of screaming at you. 

Functional medicine focuses on a whole-body approach. Rather than sending you off to a chiropractor for your joint pains, a gastroenterologist for your digestive issues, and a psychiatrist for your depression and be prescribed different medications for each of these health concerns, a naturopath doctor or nutritional health practitioner will do an extensive "background check" on your health to find the correlation / root cause between all symptoms. By treating the root cause, symptoms will naturally also disappear. 

The goal is to prevent illness.

Let's talk reactive healthcare vs preventative healthcare. 

Reactive healthcare focuses on treating current symptoms. For example, if you are experiencing back pain, you may seek the help of a chiropractor. Preventative healthcare, on the other hand, is taking action when you are not experiencing symptoms. For example, you would stretch your back daily to prevent potential back pains and a trip to the chiropractor. 

Preventative healthcare means to take care of your body, mind, and soul to avoid illness and disease. 

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